Mattle – Company behind global toy brands like Hot Wheels, Barbie, Scrabble etc.
Often children don’t recall and nag for Mattel products and therefore parents end up deciding based on price. Since Mattel brands are premium, they get opted out by parents and kids don’t end up getting to play with them.
Usage, Attitude and Behaviour study
Play immersions with kids, FGDs and DIs with Mothers.
We created an environment to bring out the real usage of the product.
We created an annual customer brand experience property for Hot Wheels attracting 3,000+ kids in 40 cities and 150 stores
Mattel regained share and business momentum in Hot Wheels which became the most widely sold toy car brand in
the country.
Mattel developed an aspirational brand property around UNO and Max Steel and established a cost- effective direct-2-consumer marketing model
By engaging as your extended marketing team, we focus on creating high-quality, clutter-breaking, on-brand content to scale our efforts to match your vision.
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Aditya Bharadwaj
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